
A Great Running Car -- On the Road Again! De nuevo en la carretera. Carro Reparado.

Spending a couple days in Grafton stuck isn't so bad... Then we get to go to the Gold Coast. We spent there two days: July 20 and 21. I'm writing this from the Brisbane Airport. On our way to Melbourne. After the breakdown in Grafton we went and stayed two days at the Gold Coast. At the best Airbnb ever. Letitia Da Lima is boss. Hoy sabado 22 por la mañana hemos llegado al aeropuerto de Brisbane. Vamos a Melbourne luego de pasar dos dias Julio 20 y 21 en Grafton. Pueblo chiquito y agradable. Luego fuimos a pasar dos dias en el Gold Coast. Surfers Paradise.

Getting a license for an unregistered car... The spirit of Trust.

I had to get a temporary registration for the car we picked up: The Salamander, as we've called it. It goes anywhere. So I went to the motor vehicle office and they issued me a permit to transport the car. No questions asked. I showed the manufacturer's plate and some pictures, and I was good to go. Incredible. We had car trouble outside of Grafton and took the car to the shop. Fahey's Auto repair. Registrar un carro en Australia es igual que hacerlo en el cielo. Le creen a uno con una foto de la placa de fabricación y mi sonrisa me dieron una licencia para transportarlo por una semana. La idea era ir hasta Melbourne, pero esos planes se frustraron. El carro se quedo varado en Grafton. Allí pasamos dos días.

Mt. Coot-tha look out Brisbane

We couldn't leave the city without going to Mt. Coot-tha lookout in Brisbane. Breathtaking spectacular. Fuimos al mirador Mt. Coot-tha... Una vista privilegiada de Brisbane. Que ciudad!!! 15Km2. Casi del tamaño de El Salvador de 21Km2.

Back to Caloundra to pick up the 1976 g60 Nissan Patrol

Whilst the car was not ready we ventured back to Caloundra to pick it up for the journey the following day. No papers so I had to register the transport of an unregistered vehicle at The Queensland Motorway Authority. Regresamos a Caloundra a buscar la nave... el g60 1976 Nissan Patrol no estaba listo del todo, pero lo sacamos del taller ese lunes 17... Henry nos tomo una foto cruzando la calle como los Beatles.

Pic-Nic con la familia... Brisbane

Teniamos que disfrutar a la familia extendida de primo Henry y la Tia... Nuestra anfitriona. Gracias Tia. Vacation wasn't complete until we had a picnic con la familia de Henry y la Tia.

Queen Street Mall Brisbane...

We enjoyed a little shopping at a pedestrian mall. Lovely place. Had coffee and Seby got some shoes. Seby compra zapatos y nosotros tomamos cafe en el mall de Queen St. en Brisbane. Pure Joy.

Time with Ryan Latchford and Family... En casa de Ryan mi colega y su familia.

Ryan and Kath Latchford hosted us in their home. We had us a little blast. The kids are wonderful and shy (for the first 3 seconds...). After that, they were family. We went to breakfast at Ryan's dad marina, and then to a lovely winery... Mi colega Ryan Latchford nos recibio una noche en su casa y nos llevo a pasear a un viñedo muy lindo; a la Marina de su Padre y gozamos mucho.